Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

5 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 32172
Author(s): Toscano, Gennaro
Title : Isabella de Chiaromonte (1424-1465), reine de Naples, et sa commande à Colantonio du Retable de saint Vincent Ferrier
Source: Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen Âge et au cours de la première Renaissance.   Edited by Eric Bousmar, Jonathan Dumont, Alain Marchandisse and Bertrand Schnerb .   De Boeck, 2012.  Pages 585 - 599.
Year of Publication: 2012.

2. Record Number: 7366
Author(s): Nuovo, Isabella
Title : La festa tra spettacolo e invenzione: il corte nuziale di Isabella d'Aragona e Gian Galeazzo Sforza [Magnificence was expected of Italian courts in the 15th century. This extended to wedding with their diplomatic overtones. In 1489 King Alfonso of Naples married his daughter Isabella to the young duke of Milan, Gin Galeazzo Sforza. Ceremonies in both Naples and Milan were marked by conspicuous display. Scholars and artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, were enlisted to ornament these nuptials.]
Source: Patrimonium in festa: cortei, tornei, artifici e feste alla fine del Medioevo (secoli XV-XVI).   Edited by Anna Modigliani .   Centro di Studi per il Patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia; Ente Ottava Medievale di Orte, 2000.  Pages 133 - 148.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 7187
Author(s): Prizer, William F.
Title : Renaissance Women as Patrons of Music: The North-Italian Courts [The author draws on correspondence to trace the musical interests of Isabella d'Este and her sister-in-law, Lucrezia Borgia. They both supported a small group of musicians/music and dance teachers in their households. Their personnel specialized in secular vocal music and string music, while musicians from their husbands' households supplied other kinds of music as needed. The Appendix presents transcriptions of eight document texts in Italian and Latin pertaining to Isabella and Lucrezia. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions.   Edited by Kimberly Marshall .   Northeastern University Press, 1993.  Pages 186 - 205.
Year of Publication: 1993.

4. Record Number: 10225
Author(s): King, Catherine.
Title : Medieval and Renaissance Matrons, Italian-style [Women were able to commission art and architecture in fourteenth and fifteenth century Italy in a variety of ways, even if their involvement in the production of images and construction of buildings wasn’t as widespread as men’s. For instance, wealthy widows could control the making of large, public images such as funerary altarpieces, while nuns could commission artwork and buildings through convent endowments. Through their acts of patronage, these “matrons” challenged conventional expectations that women inhabit a small, private sphere. The author also analyzes how women chose to represent themselves visually within the works they commissioned. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte , 55., ( 1992):  Pages 372 - 393.
Year of Publication: 1992.

5. Record Number: 12699
Author(s): Brown, David Alan.
Title : Leonardo and the Ladies with the Ermine and the Book [Although Isabella d'Este and Cecilia Gallerani were both active, fashionable, and learned patrons of letters, Leonardo da Vinci (who was patronized by both) depicts the women very differently in his paintings. Cecilia appears in Leonardo's "Lady with the Ermine" as a lively woman whose gaze faces the viewer, but Isabella d'Este appears in Leonardo's drawings as more stately and reserved, sometimes pointing at a book. Isabella likely played a large role in shaping her own image in her portraits, preferring more formal and Classical motifs including the profile pose. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Artibus et Historiae , 11., 21 ( 1990):  Pages 47 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1990.